We are Treasury

Nickels Municipal Treasury Management Solution

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What is the yield of your investment portfolio yesterday, today, tomorrow?

Can you forecast your working capital needs?

What are your reserves balances today? What will they be in 10 years?

Has your organization borrowed money? What projects? When will they be paid back?

How much can you borrow from your internal reserves?

Tired of the complex spreadsheets?

Don't you wish you had a dashboard?

Do you want this in single solution that can intergrate to your financial management solution?

Nickels Treasury Management System integrates cash, reserves, investment and debt management into one consolidated repository of treasury information. Its simplified, yet flexible interface manages your organization's treasury while your financial personnel can focus efforts on value added activities. Efficiency would increase substantially as Nickels would reduce reconciliation time and enhance reporting capabilities needed to disseminate information & measure performance.

Our Solution


Manage all details of the investment from broker, issuer, face value, premium/discount, purchase and maturity dates, coupon, yield, step-up dates, callback/redemption dates for a variety of investment vehicles.


Manage all interest receipts. Automatically model them into the cash flows and highlight any missing receipts.

Cash Flow Integration

Ensure that all investment transactions, from purchase through interest payment to maturity are automatically modelled with the cash flow module to provide an accurate representation of the organizations cash reserves based on its investments.

Quote Management

Manage all quotes associated to the investment opportunity. Ability to compare quotes and model quotes within cash flow forecast module. Electronically maintain and manage supporting documentation.


Manage Reserve balances and track projects that have borrowed from these reserves. Also track any borrowing that occurs between reserves.

Risk Management

Cut your risks with the ability to forecast cash flows better, manage your organization's investments and debt. Leverage the sandboxes to easily model different what-if scenarios so that your organization can easy analyse treasury decisions.

What If Scenerios

Ability to easily model forecasted cash flow scenarios. Single button integration of investment/debt quotes received into your sandbox. Transaction log automatically created to capture all changes made in the sandbox.

Charts, Reports, Dashboards

Extensive collection of charts, reports and dashboards to help you visualize and analyze your treasury positions.

Our Portfolio

Take a glance at the Nickels solution.

Please contact us to schedule your demo and ask any questions you may have regarding our Nickels solution.

Contact us

Please contact us to schedule your demo and ask any questions you may have regarding our Nickels solution.

14534 58th Avenue
Surrey, BC V3S0Y5

+1 778 668 3582

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